美术类 |
African Arts. |
Apollo. |
Art et Decoration. |
Art History. |
Artibus Asiae. (Text in French, German, English) |
ARTnews. |
Blouin Modern Painters. |
British Journal of Photography. |
Burlington Magazine. |
CAA Journals: The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, CAA Reviews. (College Art Association) |
European Photography. |
Eye; The International Review of Graphic Design. |
Form; Zeitschrift fuer Gestaltung. |
History of Photography. |
I Tatti Studies; Studies in the Renaissance. (Print and Online) |
Interior Design. |
Italian Lighting. |
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. |
National Geographic. |
Officiel de la Couture et de la Mode de Paris.(Online Only) |
Orientations. |
Oxford Art Journal. |
Past and Present; A Journal of Historical Studies. |
Representations. |
Sculpture Review. |
Sculpture. |
Source: Notes in the History of Art.(Print and Online) |
stil & markt; DIE SCHAULADE present. |
Word & Image. |
版画芸術. |
表演藝術/Performing Arts Review. |
典藏—古美術. |
故宮文物月刊/National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art. |
故宮學術季刊/National Palace Museum Research Quarterly. |
國際設計家連網/IdN(香港版). |
美術(月刊). |
美術手帖(BT). |
世界電影/WOW Screen. |
臺灣建築/Taiwan Architecture. |
中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊/Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica. |
Renaissance Quarterly. (Print and Online) |
音乐类 |
American Music Teacher. |
American Music. |
Asian Music. |
Bach. |
Computer Music Journal. |
Dancing Times. |
Early Music History. |
Ethnomusicology. |
Film Quarterly. |
Instrumentalist. |
Journal of Musicological Research. |
Leonardo, with Leonardo Music Journal. |
Neue Zeitschrift fuer Musik. |
Perspectives of New Music. |
Popular Music. |
Tempo; A Quarterly Review of Modern Music. |
World of Music, The/Le monde de la musique/Die Welt der Musik. |
藝術家/Artist Magazine. |
音楽の友/Ongaku No Tomo. |
音楽現代. |
社科类 |
New York Review of Books. |
Page(Print and Online) |